Jigsaw Puzzle Magic Shop Space

John R Gibson

A selection of Landscape Pictures, in puzzle format, of Britain and New Zealand. These pictures are digitally processed 'paintings' from photographs. All locations really exist at the time of creating and are recognisable as in the original photographs but may be enhanced with some artist license and addition of people animals, and 'in character' artefacts. The artist used to paint in oils, 50+ years ago, and sell them from his small self built gallery in the country. However age takes its toll in that the use of modern facilities enables the creation of many more varied scenes ideal for puzzle making. Wall art is ok but puzzles really do invite a close inspection - intimate even - of the picture in a detailed way. This is very satisfying to the artist. And anyway the puzzle can be made into wall art which invites the puzzler to help create a piece for display

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

Fun on Runswick Beach

Wooden Puzzles

Awaiting High Tide

Traditional Jigsaw Puzzles

The Boy and the Train Driver

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